Get Unlimited Value from Your Spatec Connections
97% of buyers plan to update 1-5 spas | 92% of buyers plan to open 1-5 new spas | 82% of buyers can spend up to $750,000
Data from 2023 Spatec participants.

Guaranteed Qualified Audience
You’ll know in advance exactly which buyers will be attending Spatec - along with each buyer's company profile, projected spending budgets, services and products they are interested in sourcing and other valuable market information. The buyers are carefully pre-selected and invited so you are guaranteed a qualified audience of buyers. Only spa owners and directors of the major resort, hotel, destination, chain day spas, and design and management companies are invited. At every event, at least 80% of the buyers in attendance are new.
Buyers attend Spatec to source new vendors and further their relationships with existing suppliers.